Happy Birthday, Pete! I think you're officially over the hill now at a
whopping 31. But don't worry, you have a young spring chicken for a wife (for another 4 months and 1 day, anyway).
Thanks for being a great husband, for letting me sleep on your side of the bed with you so that I stay warm, for picking Texas Roadhouse to eat at tonight for your birthday (LOVE their Ranch dressing!), for watching
really lame shows like "Bravestar" with the boys, and for always making me
And here's a little something to make you laugh. I asked the boys some questions about you, and here are their answers. Enjoy!
1. How old is your dad?
Jake: 16
Brock: 60
Troy: 2
2. What is something Dad always says to you?
Jake: He says good words.
Brock: He doesn't say "po-ee sank"
(not a clue, dude)
Troy: He says shut up.
3. What makes Dad happy?
Jake: When I don't be bad.
Brock: He's into the temple.
Troy: Just sleeping.
4. What makes Dad sad?
Jake: When he gets mad.
Brock: He fights for the shark.
Troy: Just crying and don't sing
5. How does your Dad make you laugh?
Jake: He says funny stuff.
Brock: Dragons onto Ivy's head.
Troy: Just silly.
6. What was your dad like as a child?
Jake: Voltron.
Brock: He was a kid at 4.
Troy: I dunno.
7. How tall is your dad?
Jake: 100
Brock: really, really tall
Troy: I dunno.
8. What is his favorite thing to do?
Jake: eat his dinner and eat chocolate
Brock: He can fit his shirt on his head.
Troy: say be quiet
9. What does your dad do when you're not around?
Jake: plays WoW
Brock: brush his teeth.
Troy: Take a bath.
10. If your dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
Jake: something like, a genius
Brock: make dinner
(yeah, right!)
Troy: work
11. What is your dad really good at?
Jake: spelling stuff on the computer
Brock: sing songs
Troy: ride bikes
12. What is your dad not very good at?
Jake: playing games
Brock: He's bad at flowers
Troy: going to sleep
13. What does your dad do for a job?
Jake: to do good
Brock: he does numbers
Troy: I don't know its name.
14. What is your dad's favorite food?
Jake: apples, I guess.
Brock: dinner
Troy: chicken nuggets and fries
15. What makes you proud of your dad?
Jake: when he is very good, not bad
Brock: he goes to swimming for me
Troy: just wake up
16. If your dad were a cartoon character (or character from literature), who would he be?
Jake: paladin
Brock: he got a sword, he'd be an elephant
Troy: a doggy
17. What do you and your dad do together?
Jake: draw stuff together
Brock: make swords
Troy: go to church
18. Where is your dad's favorite place to go?
Jake: the swimming place
Brock: swimming
Troy: go to work
19. How are you and your dad the same?
Jake: if we're wearing the same clothes
Brock: we got punched and we didn't have Wall-E.
Troy: play bikes
20. How are you and your dad different?
Jake: we don't have the same name or same number where we are.
Brock: he's old
Troy: I dunno.
21. How do you know your dad loves you?
Jake: 'Cause he's so so so glad.
Brock: he hasn't punched me in the face
Troy: he gets (me) chicken nuggets and fries
We love you, Pete/Dad! Happy birthday!