Just kidding. Well, not about the love thing....
Okay, let me start over. Lately we've had a lot of things break. Some of it has been the kids' fault, some of it is just the nature of "stuff". But it always seems to happen all at once. I already mentioned our car's woes. But now our other car has joined in, with an almost flat tire, a broken seat belt, and the glove compartment refuses to shut. Fixed the tire, but the other stuff not so much.
My boys have discovered a new hang-out: under the kitchen sink. And they've taken the phrase "hang-out" literally, and probably hung on the sponge-holder thing, which now refuses to close all the way.
Here's my sad Charlie Brown Christmas tree. See the ribbons clumped? And the anti-ornamented spot at the bottom? That's why the tree came down the day after Christmas, my friends.
Plus, I didn't want any more ornaments to meet the same demise as these two did:
The snowflake on the left my mom attempted to tape back together. The star on the right was one of my favorites, and Memo chewed the arms off. (Although I think I liked it more when I thought it was wood; I then discovered it was styrofoam. But still.)
Our doorknob on the back door broke, so we were sporting this fine, white trash, duct tape look for a while. The front door deadbolt broke the day after. Luckily I'm somewhat of a handywoman (cough! hack! -sorry, give me a minute to collect myself after the laughing hysterics stop), and they've both been fixed. (In my case, "fixed".)
We can't even keep cookies unbroken around here.
Other stuff in the broken category: a picture frame for Pete's diploma, the door on our entertainment center, Pete's headset to the computer, crayons-always, a few of the kids' books that I put on the bookshelf (silly me, thinking books belonged on a bookshelf), a couple of drill bits from my attempt at hanging a shelf in our garage (handy, remember?), half of our toys because it's apparently the cool thing to hit toys with other toys...the list goes on and on.
But...things not broken: three little boys' chicken necks. Yet. (Just kidding. Kind of.)
Ah, the joy of having kids. Bridger took apart ten or so of my hand made ornaments this year and when I found out what he did, then only thing he had to say was, "well I left two for you".
I need my husband to read this so that he can see that it isn't just our kids that break things!
I love it! I am so glad that our house isn't the only one held together by super glue & duct tape after living here with kids for a while. Hang in there. They eventually grow up to be oh...around 12, and start thinking that THEY are handy and then stuff really starts to fall apart...after being taken apart to be "fixed"!
Bless your heart!! And bless all those little chicken necks ;)
And Marci wonders why 2 is enough for me. Great Blog!
Oh man! You are one busy lady!
Yikes! Looks like things are busy at your house. Way to go on have 3 smiling boys despite all the breakage. Good luck with everything!
Nat, I have to tell you that besides all the broken things in your house, I really enjoy reading your blog! It always makes me laugh! Thank you for that.
Heyyyyy, there wasn't a spot to comment on the "twofer" post. I agree with you on the Arrested Development thing. I'm still in mourning over its cancellation. Sigh. We should buy all three seasons for each other for birthdays or Christmas or something. And that cracks me up about your jockey box that won't close and seat belt that doesn't work. That is so our cars right now. The spray-the-windshield thing doesn't work on the red car, so we have to go out and windex it before we go anywhere in it. And a seatbelt is broken in our Ford. So hopefully we won't get into a wreck soon, or Dylan will be dead.
Hey Pete, hey Nat, we have a blog.
Unfortunately, I found this post to be entertaining.
It reminds me of when I was a kid. I don't even want to know how much money and time I cost my folks when I was a kid/teenager/adult (I am thoroughly convinced that boys never grow up). Yikes!!! My folks still don't know about me jumping the farm truck over the rail road tracks with Greg before I left for my mission. That poor truck was always breaking down after I went out to Louisiana........ Maybe when I have cash in hand to pay for their misery, I will let them know.
Anyway, I wish you the best with all the fixing that needs accomplished.
Do your kids need to be in my prayers????
Thank goodness for the power of caps lock! And seriously thanks for being there. I love the picture of the boys under the sink, those are some cute chicken necks :)
Hey Natalie... your family is beautiful and I'm so glad to know about your life and kids. I got your link off of Becky's blog and wanted to drop you a note...
Do you remember way back when I was RS Pres and for one of our homemaking shebangs we wrote goals for the future, then I kept them and handed them out at the end of the year? There were some people who weren't there when we handed them out and I shoved them in a box when I moved. I'm now finally going through all of my old stuff and I come across a stack of sealed envelopes, one of which has your name on it. I know you probably don't care any more, but since I've had it for so long I'd like to send it to you. Will you send me your address? onepagemore@yahoo.com
Aren't boys fun! I was just telling my mom how my friends can't relate to me because none of them have two boys close in age. Most have a boy, girl, boy or all girls. They just don't understand what a diffenent dynamic that creates. My mom has a friend who had 10 kids and the last two were the only boys that were next to each other and age. She said it wasn't until that she was a real mother! Anyway...I feel your pain. Boy are just a lot of work and sooo much fun too!
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