Meet The Nat Pack!

My photo
The Nat Pack: The super fashionable, super mod, super hip family consisting of Nat, Pete, Jakob, Brock, Troy, and Ivy. Like The Rat Pack, only younger, cuter, and not as rich or famous.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Who Knew?

Who knew that staying at a hotel could be so very fun, even for the adults, and that you kinda feel rich walking into a fabulous hotel lobby and have a fancy reservation? And how cool is staying on the 8th floor, and riding an elevator that has a glass wall, and you have a cooked-to-order breakfast every morning?

Who could ever imagine that Troy would lock himself into one part of our hotel room about 5 minutes before we had to leave to take Pete to his test, and got him out in the nick of time?

Who knew that I would feel nervous all day long as Pete took his test?

And who knew that he wouldn't (initially) pass? (We find out for sure if he passed or didn't pass in a few weeks, when they send him his score and the breakdown.)

Did you know that it's impossible to take pictures while swimming with kids, even with two adults present?

Who in the world would know that 400 S. turns into 500 S., which is also called University Blvd., which turns into Foothill Drive, so that when you're at 100 S. and 1300 E. after dropping your hubby off for his test, you think, "Hey, I'm really close, I'll just go down a few blocks, then head east again, and I'll totally get to Hogle zoo!" that you won't, because that 400 S. is a totally different 400 S. than the one a few blocks away? Crazy Utah roads. (Because we totally don't have roads like that here. *cough* 17th into Pancheri, just to name one of dozens in my little town *cough*)

Did you know that, after keeping a Dr. Pepper in a diaper bag and setting it in a rental wagon and pulling it around at the zoo for a few hours, that when you go to pull it out and drink it that it will explode on you?

Was there any way to know that Ivy would get all blotchy and puffy because of the sun and the sunscreen?

Who knew that my kids would be really really good at the zoo? But I had a gut feeling they would pick the most annoying toys in the universe to bring home as a souvenir.

How could I have known that watching three episodes of "Hannah Montana" in a row would make me want to scrape out my eyes and ears?

Who knew that Benihana is the yummiest restaurant ever? (Oh wait, I totally knew that!)

Who would have guessed that Brock, while carrying his blanket and toy monkey, would find the one puddle of water at the entrance of the hotel parking garage, and trip and fall into it?

Who knew my kids would love Temple Square, and that the brides getting their pictures taken are "princesses", according to Brock?

And who knew that walking up to the Christus in the Visitor's Center would make me get all choked up, until Jakob says, "I didn't know that Jesus lived here!", and then I laugh and then just want to squeeze all my kids as tightly as I can, because they are just so precious and funny and cute?

Who knew that Jakob could climb a peach tree at his grandparents' house?

And who knew that we just made some wonderful memories with our kids, and I wouldn't trade all the tiredness, and the massive laundry, and the funky-smelling house (we left our cat in the house while we were gone-somewhat of a mistake) for that? Ever?


Amy said...

Love, love all the pictures. It was so good to see you. And if Pete doesn't pass then maybe we'll get to see you again sooner than later. But I still wouldn't mind it if he passed. Sorry to hear about the Dr. Pepper, and the cat, but I'm glad the kids were good and had fun. Hotels rock!

Momza said...

That was the funniest post I've read today! Sounds like it was a trip to remember!
Hold onto them...they'll be grown before you know it.

Layton Mom said...

I am totally jealous! I want and need a vacation so badly. My niece gets all splotchy from sunscreen too! I will ask my sis what she buys and let you know.

Whitney said...

Natalie, you are an absolute scream - I can't quit chuckling when I read your entries. Make sure you back this up - the kids will want to read these in years to come and your grandchildren - you are priceless.

Janae -- Thoughts in Vinyl said...

That was just a super creative and funny post. Sounds like it was a lot of fun. Jay and I have tons of trouble with Utah roads, we are always calling my sister that lives down there for the 411 on how the road #'s work every time we are down there. It is so confusing until she gives me the refresher course...too bad I need it every time we go down there.

Kar said...

I loved reading this! I didn't feel like we got to talk enough about your trip at Ivy's party Monday. Your kids are so stinkin' CUTE. And I'm jealous you got to take a little trip. Here's to hoping that the curve is really generous to Pete. I'm crossing my fingers for that.

Kristine said...

Oh so fun! Hilarious, sad, and fun at the same time :) I can't believe you have to wait 3 weeks to find out Pete's score! bla! Good luck Pete!

Bammer said...

I really miss trips with my kids. It's a different sort of life, now. Good thing you're taking pictures for memory books in the future

Mindy H. said...

Who knew that reading your blog would be so entertaining and enlightening? Oh, wait...I did! that is why I check it every day!

Thanks for sharing the photos and the stories. They brought several smiles to my face after a long, frustrating day at school :)

jo said...

wow. sounds (and looks) like you had so much fun! and i totally agree about utah roads. i even lived there for five years and they still confuse the heck out of me!

CHELZERS said...

you are so hilarious. I know I say that everytime, but it's SO TRUE!!
Oh, and just for the record, ask my mom about exploding Dr.Pepper and my daughter, Avery, about puffy sunscreen rash. "tear free" my butt. Apparently, they know all about that. :)